, Elementary Bits-n-Bytes: February 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A New Beginning

I started this blog two years ago as part of a class assignment for my Master's Degree in Computer Education from Fontbonne University in St. Louis. I used it for several classes for different assignments. When I created the blog, even though it was for a class, I had always intended for it to be used as a tool to share ideas with others, to reflect, and to continue to help me grow as an educator. I finished my degree and graduated on December 18, 2010. I think it's about time to get busy before this year passes me by!

Currently, I have 21 third graders who are very excited about anything that is a project or that uses technology. These kids are hungry to use technology. They constantly amaze me how much, at age 9, they already know about using many different tools of technology and how quickly they learn how to use the new tools that I share with them. I enjoy using technology and I enjoy using it with my students. It is not the only way to teach, but it sure helps.

I take my inspiration for this blog from my students and my fellow teachers...both where I work and around the world.